Monday, June 14, 2010

My Story

Childhood moments that lead to architecture?
In all honesty, it's quite hard to find a single childhood moment that could lead up to this career path. However, since as long ago as i can remember, i have always been interested in sketching as well as very basic model building, either with Lego or wooden blocks. Truthfully i don't think any of those lead me to this field but as i look back, i feel that there's nothing else that suits my interests except this field.

Why did you choose your field?
At first i was at a loss as to where to go after A-levels. However my school had this 'Vocations Week' where they invite speakers from several job scopes to talk about what they do. There was this architect who came to speak, i think he was an interior designer, who talked about his work and what he does. And let's just say he caught my attention. But this did not lead to my choice just yet. At first i was leaning towards engineering, as i had quite a strong interest in physics and maths (although my grades said otherwise). Until i took a walk around the education fair that i stumbled upon UCSI's very own school of architecture. Basically i selected this field because it incorporates sciences, arts and mathematics in quite a unique way, and i for one, do like a challenge.

The best and worst experiences studying architecture.
The best parts studying architecture is the ability to broaden horizons and to look at things in an entirely different way, often things you come to take for granted can perhaps be seen as something deep and meaningful if time is taken to look at it from another perspective. This along with the people i meet throughout the course of my studies here. I do feel that they each have a certain uniqueness to themselves, quite unlike the people you see in other (extremely dull and boring) courses.
As for the worst parts, (ugh, where do i begin) the assignments feel like a long walk through a long dark tunnel where the light is always just right out of your grasp, or at least that's how i feel most of the time. While i admit the assignments are not the most pleasant part of the experience, (if i were to overlook the fact that we hardly get any sleep at all most of the time, the ludicrous demands of some of the lecturers, as well as the amount of coffee that tends to exceed our own blood level during the final few weeks of the semester) i find architecture to be quite an enriching experience, ultimately teaching us to do more than anyone else can, see in more ways than anyone else can as well as solve problems in more effective ways, or, better than anyone else can.

Analyze yourself - best and worst part habits throughout your studies.
I would go on about all sorts of good habits i probably think i have, but it says to be honest so... i don't think i have any good habits to talk about here, or maybe i just haven't found any yet.
So the bad habits would have to fill up the rest of the paragraph. I find that i'm lazy and hardly take my work seriously at all, apparently hoping i would breeze past this course, redeem myself in the final year and in the later years. However, after this semester i must say my mindset has been 'corrected'. While i won't say i'm a 100% cured, seeing as i'm only typing this on the eve of the submission date, i will say that i'll try to do a much MUCH better job in this semester and the semesters to come.

What keeps you going?
Quite simply, the need to finish what is started. After all it's too late to give up or change my mind now.
Well, that and i've always been a big dreamer. Wishful thinking perhaps, but i've always dreamt of perhaps changing the world with architecture. Naturally this field has unlimited possibilities.
Through architecture, i feel that it is possible to change the way people think, change the way people eat, change the way people live, all these change towards the betterment of society and humanity, one building at a time. I feel that this way, it is not impossible to change the world to be a better place. And all these can be achieved through architecture, which i feel is more than enough to keep me going until the end.

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